Video Marketing using Instagram

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Social media has undoubtedly grown into one of the electronic and powerful marketing tools in this information age. This is an opportunity that everyone who is into business strives to grab for effective information passage or dissemination about their businesses. When it started, Instagram supported only pictures but today, it has been redesigned with a video plug-in which support short videos. Just like YouTube, Instagram can now support 15 seconds video as much as you twitter can support you when you buy twitter retweets.

This is appropriate for Instagram users who have short span attention and a quick preview of the marketing videos being posted by marketers on this growing social media platform. The question, how powerful is video marketing on Instagram and why is it effective?

Video as a marketing tool cannot be ignored and using a social media like Instagram to do this has far reaching impacts on product branding and loyalty. A marketer would simply prepare a simple and short slide show of the products one’s business is dealing in and within the shortest time, the video would have gone viral among Instagram users. Another way to do video marketing on Instagram is by use of simple animations that would be far much better than considering the option of having to get 1000 Instagram followers. Animations are captivating and many would simply enjoy watching them on a social media site like Instagram where millions of users engage daily in discussions and forums.

But what exactly is the reason behind the preference for Instagram for video marketing? Well, there isn’t much ado but the secret lies in three key issues as shall be discussed hereafter.

Reach ability.

Instagram is a powerful SEO tool that many businesses crave for to display their marketing ideas. For this reason, it should be understood why social media is a powerful marketing tool where sites provide websites links to their businesses. However, the many millions of users is precedence for social site marketing. Today, over, 100 million users are on Instagram. This means, businesses which carry out video marketing on this site have the advantage of their products being watched far and beyond in video displays.

Easy to use

Instagram is easy to use. Navigating around this site is very easy as witnessed in sharing of videos and pictures. This makes it preferred by marketers.


Interactivity is a key component in social media marketing. This is why Instagram would be a first consideration for engaging marketing activities.